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In whose hands the world control console
Hollywood is a remote control of the world, not the only, but one of the most important. It is with the help of Hollywood that the main ideas are introduced into people, which then move them. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Jet Li and other actors are the buttons by clicking on which someone controls the world.
Hollywood as a remote control of the world
The secret of Hollywood is that it does not make films, but creates the future, which is then broadcast through films. Hollywood is not a dream factory, but a factory of ideas. Buying tickets for the films that Hollywood created, we actually buy tickets for the future and plunge into it during the session, saturated with broadcast ideas. Continue reading
Proper business performance improvement
Working as the most accurate watch and generating money in unlimited quantities, a business is the dream of all businessmen. This dream is realized only among those businessmen who are improving business performance. A business in itself will never be effective. He needs to be helped in this using a variety of tools.
Maximize business performance
Improving business performance through the businessgram is one of the newest trends. This method is good because it allows you to increase business efficiency at the level of his ideas. It is the idea that underlies any business and you can get an effective business only if you know this idea well and have it pumped. Continue reading
Effective study of competitors
Obviously, information, if timely, always allows you to get rid of various troubles, of course, with the exception of cases when the information that you own is needed by someone very serious. If you have information at the right time, you can plan your behavior, predict the behavior of your friends, enemies, competitors, in general, all those with whom you have to deal with one or another thing. Continue reading