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How to increase profits

I am engaged in the creation of sites. It seems that there are clients, but the income is literally a little higher than the costs, so the debts are constantly increasing. It seems that a little more, a little more and come out for a good profit, but more than two years have passed and this did not happen. I understand that you need to either increase profits or close the business. I don’t want to close. How to increase profits? What do you advise?

A similar question is addressed to me quite often, so quite representative statistics have accumulated. Based on my experience, I can say that in 90% of cases the reason for a situation like yours is the egoism of businessmen. Very often businessmen use the business for self-affirmation, although normally the business serves to solve customer problems.

The bottom line is that the client turns to businessmen to solve his problem and pays them money for it. Businessmen naturally subscribe to solve it and take money for it. They begin to solve the problem, but in 90% of cases they do everything as they need, and not as the client needs. In fact, businessmen do not so much solve the problem as they engage in self-affirmation.

Sometimes, in 10% of cases, what businessmen offer is suitable for customers, and they are satisfied

Sometimes, in 10% of cases, what businessmen offer is suitable for customers, and they remain satisfied. However, in 90% of cases, the client remains dissatisfied and launches a negative word of mouth. Accordingly, the answer to the question of how to increase profits lies in getting rid of selfishness and starting to listen to customers, starting to focus on their real needs.

The second reason for insufficient profit is that businessmen very often do not know the real needs of customers, therefore they do not offer the product that they really need. For example, website developers often believe that customers need websites. In reality, customers need customers whom they will receive through the site, not the sites themselves.

To meet the needs, you first need to understand what customers need.

Thinking that customers need sites, a businessman makes an advertisement in which he reports that he makes sites. However, no one needs sites, so none of the potential customers reacts to the offer. Seeing the lack of interest in his proposal, the businessman believes that he just advertises a little and invests even more in advertising and all to no avail.

You must understand that the customer is not ready to pay for what the businessman can offer and never pays for it. He is ready to pay only for the satisfaction of his needs, for the implementation of his ideas. To satisfy needs, you first need to understand what customers need. To understand this, a businessman considers below his dignity, therefore, he never deals with this.

As you probably understood, the answer to the question of how to increase profits is simple. You just need to get rid of egoism and develop marketing thinking in order to understand customers well. One of the ways to independently develop marketing thinking is the marketing legram. You can also turn to specialists in order to undergo training in marketing immersion.

To maximize profits, it is recommended to work with other legrams.

To maximize profits, it is recommended to work with other legrams. In particular, for the maximum understanding of customers, it is worth working with the legram of the market in which you work. In order to create a bestseller, it’s useful to work with the product’s legram. Building an effective and powerful business will be facilitated by working with a businessgram.

The suggested recommendations on how to increase profits really work. Moreover, the more they are fulfilled, the more they earn in the end. If during their implementation additional tips and recommendations will be needed, you can always get marketing advice in order to get additional useful information.

Need more information on effective business? Go to the business advisory board and read ready-made free consultations. If you do not find the answer to your question, you can get personal advice on business.

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