Marketing as a business philosophy
Marketing as a business philosophy is the norm for a modern businessman. This is due to the fact that getting an effective business is now possible only through marketing. Such…

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A way to grow without investment
Are you full of ideas? Want to change the world? Want to bring something from yourself? Want to earn the most money to solve your problems? Their strength and resources…

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Effective business development paths
Recently, two words have become fashionable and popular among businessmen: to pump and pump. And these are not just words, but business development paths. The words are similar in appearance…

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development algorithm

Customer is the basis of business

Keeping customers is profitable. On the one hand, it’s 10 times cheaper than creating new ones, and on the other hand, you can retain a dozen customers for the amount that you need to spend on creating one client. This means that if you manage customers, and not create them to replace the departed, you can free up money for something else. If you know how to retain customers, then you do not need to search for new customers.

For example, money can go to purchase new equipment or to finance a staff motivation system, which will positively affect the overall level of competitiveness of both the business and its products or services. Continue reading

What are the basics of doing business in the modern world

In reality, the basis of any business is an idea and only an idea, not money. Money and profits, the accumulation of capital – this is only a consequence of the correct work with the idea that you are developing. The businessman in reality is only the person who develops the idea. The idea is that a businessman is needed for development, because in itself it costs nothing. An idea gains value only in the development process.

Under the development of a promising idea, they will give as much money as needed and even more, in other words there will be no problems with start-up capital. Continue reading

A simple answer to the question of how to attract new customers

In order to solve this problem, there is one very effective solution. It consists in creating a new look at the old product and as a result the product will look in a new way. It seems unbelievable that an old product can be made new, but the fact is that it is real. It is real because each person has his own inner world, his needs and the problem is that the client does not see how his need can be met through your product, which means that he needs to be explained.

Why do people need to explain everything? Just because they often don’t know what they need. Accordingly, standard approaches such as: how can I help or how much do you expect, just do not work. What works? If you want to understand how to attract new customers, you must definitely figure it out. Only that which hurts a person works, that which causes cognitive dissonance or, in other words, confusion in it, as it is customary to say. Continue reading

How to sell a startup
It should be noted that there are two main reasons that prompt to sell the project. One of the reasons is the desire to simply make money quickly by selling…


Customer is the basis of business
Keeping customers is profitable. On the one hand, it’s 10 times cheaper than creating new ones, and on the other hand, you can retain a dozen customers for the amount…


Creative method of generating ideas
Illogy is a very effective method of generating ideas. Efficiency is related to the fact that generation is divided into stages. The first stage is setting goals. This is a…
