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Ticket to the post-industrial economy

Several types of economies are known, and one of them is post-industrial. The transition to a postindustrial economy is one of our possible prospects if suitable conditions arise for this. They may or may not add up, respectively, the transition may or may not take place. It depends on many factors.

Transition to a post-industrial economy

Each type of economy is based on something. The hunting and gathering economy is built around prey: the search for berries, mushrooms, roots, nuts and other edibles, as well as hunting and fishing. This is the first level of the economy. A ticket to it is the ability to collect and hunt. In such an economy, who is better than others who can find food and hunt, is the elite. Who does not know how, he is on the sidelines. The second level of the economy is agrarian. The agricultural economy is built around the cultivation of food. A ticket to such an economy is land. Who has land is the elite. Who does not have, he is on the sidelines.

The third level industrial economy is built around the production of goods. The ticket to it is the capacity to produce goods. Who has the power is the elite. The rest are on the sidelines. The peculiarity of the fourth-level post-industrial economy is that it is built around the production and dissemination of ideas. Accordingly, to become part of it you need to have an idea. Who has an idea is the elite of the post-industrial economy, the ticket to which is an idea.

Obviously, the transition to a post-industrial economy will take place only if a post-industrial base is formed, and there are some problems with this. The main problem that one has to face is that ideas are often confused with thoughts. Confusion, including causing problems of promotion.

Without the idea of ​​becoming part of a post-industrial economy, it is impossible

Thought and ideas are different. Thought is that which man is capable of creating. In turn, a person cannot create an idea. He can only get it. An idea is the basis of the universe, the smallest element of our world. The fact that the foundation of the world is ideas is beyond doubt. Everything that we see began with an idea. Initially, the idea is not visible to the eye. Then the idea takes shape and becomes material, visible to the eyes.

Without the idea of ​​becoming a part of the post-industrial economy it is impossible, without it, effective ways of developing a business are not available. Without it, you can only become part of one of the lower levels and only if there are tickets to these levels. In other words, you need a ticket anyway. Who has a ticket is the subject of the economy that has rights. Who does not have a ticket, the object that has only duties. If there is no ticket, you can play only the second role, and then in the best case.

It may seem that there are no problems with ideas. There seems to be enough of them, everyone seems to have them, and so everyone has a ticket to the post-industrial economy, which means the transition to a post-industrial economy will take place. This is not true. As practice shows, ideas are only in 0.0001% of cases. In the remaining 99.9999% of cases, there are only thoughts. Real ideas are a very big deficit, so huge money is being paid for them.

Only a person who has a real idea can be on the first roles.

Thoughts are hundreds of billions, so they are worthless. Moreover, every day every person generates hundreds of thoughts, and there is no need to buy them. Someone else’s thoughts are of no interest to anyone. Thought is not a ticket to the post-industrial economy. A man who has only thoughts can only be on the sidelines. The first roles can only be a person who has a real idea.

Only those people and companies who have real ideas, not thoughts, will be able to fit into the new format of the economy and build a very profitable new type of business. There is only one way to get a real idea – to get it using appropriate technologies. Not everyone can get ideas, because not everyone has the right technology.

One of the simplest and most understandable ways to get a real idea is a legram. It helps to get a real idea for everyone, and thereby with its help everyone can get a ticket to the post-industrial economy. Then it remains only to start working with the obtained idea using the script of modern marketing in order to become part of the post-industrial economy.

A ticket to the post-industrial economy has several advantages. Firstly, you are making your personal transition to a post-industrial economy and gain access to all its advantages, of which there are a huge amount. Secondly, the idea is the core of the market, so you get the opportunity to create and develop your own personal market, in which there will be no competitors.

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