Proper business performance improvement
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Creative method of generating ideas
Illogy is a very effective method of generating ideas. Efficiency is related to the fact that generation is divided into stages. The first stage is setting goals. This is a…

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Ticket to the post-industrial economy
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Maximum business improvement

Improving a business is a necessity related to the fact that everything flows and changes. Once the most profitable business was agriculture. Then industry became the most profitable business. After industry, information technology has become the most profitable business, but their profitability will soon fall.

Improving business according to a new technique

Recently, a creative business has begun to break into the leaders. The product of a creative business is a creative economy, and the representatives of this business are a creative class. It is businesses that are associated with creativity that earn the most money right now. This is due to the fact that we entered the post-industrial economy, the main product of which is creative.

At any time, the most successful was a quality business, and a quality business is simply not possible without marketing. In connection with the emergence of a new type of business, a new type of marketing should also appear, because the old type of marketing is not suitable for new realities. Obsolescence of marketing of previous versions is an objective process and associated with the latest achievements in the field of science and technology.

A new type of marketing is noomarketing. Business improvement is now being implemented with its help. Switching to a new version of marketing is a logical strategy, if only because you should not expect support for old versions of marketing, as collectors can invest in antiques. However, there are hardly any collectors of marketing versions.

Improving a business requires a small reboot.

Improving a business requires a small reboot. To make the transition to the new version quick and painless, it is better to start preparing for a reboot as early as possible, so as not to do it in a hurry. It’s best to start with a good understanding of what the essence of noomarketing is, because not only marketing, but also its essence is changing.

The essence of noomarketing is different than classical marketing. Noomarketing is not just a new name, but new principles, which is why it opens up new possibilities. If earlier the essence of marketing was in finding and satisfying needs, then the essence of noomarketing is deeper and this is not a whim, but a vital necessity, because not only business and marketing are changing, but also the consumer is changing.

Soon, the most active and richest consumers, consumers every marketer dreams about, will no longer be the ones now. Now consumers need to satisfy their needs and the needs that lie on the surface. Consumers of a new type will have little satisfaction of the needs and requirements that lie on the surface.

Ideas are introduced into people, they first create a need, and then a need

They will want to satisfy those needs that they feel, but are not yet aware of. It will be possible to satisfy such needs only through creativity, only through the creation of what is not yet. As you know, needs and requirements originate from ideas. Ideas are introduced into people, they first create a need, and then a need.

Noomarketing is based on this premise. Marketing of the previous version began with needs and requirements, but marketing starts with what creates needs and requirements. Ideas in themselves have little meaning, the main point is to translate them. Ideas are embodied through creativity. Creative is a process of scooping, identifying ideas and shaping them.

An idea penetrates a person, but initially he does not realize it, but only feels it. Accordingly, he needs to recognize her. This creativity is the process of transferring an idea from an unconscious state to a conscious state. The process of converting an idea from an unconscious state to a conscious state is not always easy. There is even such a phrase as “creative torment” for its designation.

One of the reasons to create is precisely the desire to experience this pleasure.

These torments are precisely connected with the fact that in order to choose the right words to identify the idea, you need to sweat. The selection of words to express an idea is somewhat similar to the selection of a password. You know that there is a password and you know that sooner or later you will shave it, but you don’t know when it will happen. Perhaps everything will turn out at the first combination, but it may be necessary to select dozens and hundreds of these combinations before the password for the idea is picked up and it opens up to consciousness.

The efforts to select a password that opens the idea to consciousness are always rewarded. After this happened, after the password is picked up, the person who picked it up experiences great pleasure. One of the reasons to create is precisely the desire to experience this pleasure. Creative people in general and creative class in particular are engaged in the selection of this password. But consumers are not in the loser.

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