Small business optimization. What is its essence?
Small business is opened by 2 categories of people. One of them is people who realized in themselves a large amount of excess energy, but in order to minimize risks…

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Weak core business
Intuitive refinement is fast and most importantly free. Therefore, it is most often used. As a result, there seems to be a scheme, but what the businessman really represents, she…

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How to start a profitable business
To start a profitable business in modern conditions, you need to know some important points. The bottom line is that times have changed and now the business does not start…

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they can get

What is the cause of the global crisis

For some time, marketing has managed its role 100%. He provided such a sales volume of goods and services, under which a sufficient amount of money was issued. Everything worked like a watch. However, recently marketing has ceased to cope with its role, and this is precisely the reason for the global crisis. Why did this happen? If we consider marketing as something homogeneous, as something invariable, then the answer to the question will not be found.

The situation in the economy has changed, but marketing is not, and for this reason it does not match it and does not cope with its task. Continue reading

The right start of a business as a guarantee of its success

Among people who have never been involved in business, and even among some businessmen, there is a widespread opinion that it is believed that starting capital is necessary to open a business. Many say that they do not open a business precisely because they do not have start-up capital. Indeed, money is important for starting a business, especially when you don’t want to bother with opening it yourself.

In this case, you can give money to people who know how to open a business and they will do everything. But when there is a desire to do everything yourself, when there is a desire to build a good business, then money goes to the second place. A good idea comes first. Continue reading

Why are most people poor?

Answers to the question why people are poor, there are as many as poor people. Each beggar finds his own answer for himself, but he must somehow compensate for his poverty in front of himself. Having found the answer, he sleeps better, eats better, so everyone is looking for such an answer. However, the truth is that poverty has not only subjective causes that are associated with each individual personality, but there is one common objective reason for all.

In fact, this reason justifies every beggar, gives him legitimate reasons to believe that the world is unfair. And the farther, the more the world’s structure becomes unfair, because it does not keep pace with the change in this world. Continue reading

How to increase profits
I am engaged in the creation of sites. It seems that there are clients, but the income is literally a little higher than the costs, so the debts are constantly…


Effective business development paths
Recently, two words have become fashionable and popular among businessmen: to pump and pump. And these are not just words, but business development paths. The words are similar in appearance…


Rich Country Export Strategy
The strategy of exporting to rich countries is a clear answer to the question of how to sell to such regions and countries as Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, China and…
