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Rich Country Export Strategy

The strategy of exporting to rich countries is a clear answer to the question of how to sell to such regions and countries as Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, China and some others. An effective export strategy is always based on knowledge of the mentality of the country or region with which it is planned to work. Without this, failure will happen.

Rich Country Export Strategy

What is the basic difference between West and East? The East is a generally scarce place where everything is lacking. This forms a deficit mentality that defines consumer habits, the concept of business and life in general, and the same economy. A businessman with an oriental mentality looks at the world with scarce eyes, he thinks that everything and everyone is missing.

In his concept, for a business to go, it’s enough just to have some kind of product and offer it to customers. The quality of the product, its characteristics are not very important, because there is no other option, which means that the consumer has no choice. The scarcity of the economy is manifested in everything, including the fact that there is a huge shortage of customers who can sell goods.

The eastern mentality also generates the corresponding type of sales – vtyuhing, i.e. the desire to sell goods in any way. If a client approached, he should definitely get involved, because there might simply be no other client. In the process of vtyuhinga there is a substitution of concepts. Under the need of a person, he offers not the product that is able to satisfy it.

This is at the root of killing sales, reducing them at times

It’s not the product that is capable of truly realizing the idea that the buyer has. A person buys, but remains unsatisfied, because he bought the wrong one. A few of these “purchases” and he is already afraid to buy anything at all. This is at the root of killing sales, cutting them at times. As a result, all this gives rise to hundreds, or even thousands of unfulfilled desires, constant fear, fear of purchases.

A scarce economy generates total psychological stress and leads to the fact that a person is capable of minimal physical stress. In such an economy, goods for psychological relief are especially good. There is another interesting point, which is that due to the fact that a lot of unnecessary goods are bought that do not satisfy the need, a habit is formed to get rid of what is not needed.

Normally, sales are the process of transferring what the customer really needs. Distribution will be distributed in the East – the process of transferring what one does not need. It is clear that in such conditions money is not created, but only redistributed. Money is created only as a result of equal exchange and satisfaction of desires, and this happens in the West.

You can only make money in the West and for this you need the right export strategy

You can earn money only in the West and for this you need the right export strategy, which allows you to understand the market. The West is a surplus place. There, in general, everything is enough for everyone. In the West, the desires of people with more are satisfied. Everything is optimized, tuned, organized, so the psychological stress of people is minimal, but physical stress is maximum, because in order to satisfy the maximum of your desires you need to work hard.

We can say that everyone there is at the limit of their physical capabilities. Therefore, goods for physical unloading go well there, which save time and money. And the better they go, the better they unload. In fact, only innovative products are good in this market. It is simply unrealistic to sell goods that are not needed and that you want to sell yourself.

As you can see the answer to the question of what should be the strategy of export to the West is quite simple. You just need to offer the market what no one has offered it yet. In turn, our companies basically have only what they themselves do not need, with the exception of raw materials, which is why there is a huge problem with the sale of goods on the Western market. However, simply offering something new is not enough; it should also satisfy the real needs of consumers.

If you can’t offer something new, there’s nothing to do in Western markets

This means that with the help of the goods offered, consumers should be able to realize their ideas. Western businessmen understand this well, at least those who manage to stay in the market for a long time and who use the script of modern marketing. They not only understand this, but also conduct business based on this premise, constantly looking for and offering customers something new. Well, customers are accustomed to the constant search for something new.

The surplus economy of the West, in contrast to the scarce economy of the East, creates money. Therefore, everyone seeks to enter the Western market in order to earn money. This is not successful for everyone, but only for those who offer the West really something new.

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