Effective business development paths
Recently, two words have become fashionable and popular among businessmen: to pump and pump. And these are not just words, but business development paths. The words are similar in appearance…

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Employee burnout
Burnout of employees is a natural process that is laid down by nature itself. Sooner or later, any fire, if you do not throw firewood in it, begins to die…

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Customer is the basis of business
Keeping customers is profitable. On the one hand, it’s 10 times cheaper than creating new ones, and on the other hand, you can retain a dozen customers for the amount…

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A simple answer to the question of how to attract new customers

In order to solve this problem, there is one very effective solution. It consists in creating a new look at the old product and as a result the product will look in a new way. It seems unbelievable that an old product can be made new, but the fact is that it is real. It is real because each person has his own inner world, his needs and the problem is that the client does not see how his need can be met through your product, which means that he needs to be explained.

Why do people need to explain everything? Just because they often don’t know what they need. Accordingly, standard approaches such as: how can I help or how much do you expect, just do not work. What works? If you want to understand how to attract new customers, you must definitely figure it out. Only that which hurts a person works, that which causes cognitive dissonance or, in other words, confusion in it, as it is customary to say. Continue reading

Attack marketing is active marketing

At the same time, the purpose of the attack is to create dynamics for your company, and the dynamics are not simple, but one that creates more favorable conditions for it and provides a larger volume of profits and incomes. If you look around, everything that anyone has ever received is almost always, with the exception of cases of inheritance, resulting from an attack. Only through attack can you get new markets, new consumers, better suppliers. Continue reading

New financial system

Experts say that Democrats, who could not advance their candidate for the post of US President, are financiers. That means they lost. Financiers are unlikely to give up, will try to take revenge. But high-quality revenge will be achieved only in one case – if they propose a new financial system that meets the post-industrial structure.

The existing format is essentially industrial and cannot satisfy the needs of the post-industrial economy, and money is now generated in it. We can say that the existing financial system does not actually create money, it simply prints bills. Paradoxically, the fact is that financiers have turned from a producer of money into their consumer. Money is made by post-industrialists, who were able to promote their man. Continue reading

Inexpensive landing
A high degree of impact on the consumer is possible only if marketing, advertising, branding, PR and sales are simultaneously used. If one of the above is not used, the…


The right analysis of market opportunities
Market opportunities may vary. Some allow you to earn large profits and profits, others small. Some will allow you to earn income quickly, others slowly. Some market opportunities require large…


How to sell a startup
It should be noted that there are two main reasons that prompt to sell the project. One of the reasons is the desire to simply make money quickly by selling…
