Proper business performance improvement
Working as the most accurate watch and generating money in unlimited quantities, a business is the dream of all businessmen. This dream is realized only among those businessmen who are…

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Rich Country Export Strategy
The strategy of exporting to rich countries is a clear answer to the question of how to sell to such regions and countries as Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, China and…

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The foundation of any startup is an idea.
The foundation of any startup is an idea. If you already have an idea, then you can start your startup at any time. Perhaps you have already begun it. However,…

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Weak core business

Intuitive refinement is fast and most importantly free. Therefore, it is most often used. As a result, there seems to be a scheme, but what the businessman really represents, she just does not know. At the level of intuition, he feels what and when to do, but at the level of consciousness he does not understand why he is doing one way or another. In fact, the “know less, sleep better” scheme is implemented.

However, the bottom line is that “aware businessmen”, who have a clear outline, who know their “business engine” like the back of their hand, beat the “intuitive businessmen” who act by intuition with a crushing score. They get results 10-100 times better than “intuitive businessmen.” Why is there such a huge difference in results?

Because intuition says what to do, but does not say how. Therefore, “intuitive businessmen” know exactly what to do, but do not know how. As a result, they have not done 99% of the cases. Only a minimum is done, and it’s done “just as if”, because they do not have an exact scheme. When you do only 1% of the actions, and do them “just” as you can get a maximum of 1% of the result.

In turn, “informed businessmen” know what to do and know how to do it. In the end, they have a plan. They very calmly and gradually implement it, performing 100% of the necessary actions that give the desired result. They know the “business engine” 100% because they visualized it, which ultimately allowed them to bring it to perfection.

The more perfect the engine, the more perfect the core of the business – the better results the businessman gets.

Having the perfect “business engine” is very important, because it converts the energy and time of a businessman into money. The better it is tuned, the more time and energy is converted into money with the same effort. The difference between how much time, money and effort you invested and how much money you received in the end depends entirely on the degree of perfection of the “business engine”.

The more perfect the engine, the more perfect the core of the business – the better results a businessman gets, the higher he rises in the hierarchy. Having a perfect core business is important because it is the foundation of competitiveness. The struggle for customers, for the market is always won by that business which is based on the best core.

A successful businessman differs from an unsuccessful one only in the presence of a perfect “business engine”. A very successful businessman differs from a businessman with average success only in that he has a better “business engine”. The most successful businessman differs from the businessman with average success only in that he has a more advanced and powerful engine.

Nobody has managed to build a powerful business on a weak core. Never, no one could do it. A powerful business is always based on a powerful core engine, the most thought out and perfect engine. Any weak business is weak only because it is based on a weak engine. There are simply no other reasons for business weakness. What is the core of the business, so it gives the result.

To increase the power of a business, you just need to increase the power of its engine, having previously visualized it. If there is no experience, then doing it yourself is difficult and it makes sense to contact specialists. They can both provide advice and help upgrade the “business engine”. It usually costs inexpensively and is done quite simply.

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Why do I need a business control system
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Effective business development paths
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