A new way of wealth
In fact, this path of wealth is available to everyone who knows about it. For this reason, in order not to create excessive competition, those who know about him, prefer…

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Why are most people poor?
Answers to the question why people are poor, there are as many as poor people. Each beggar finds his own answer for himself, but he must somehow compensate for his…

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Formation of customer loyalty. How to do it cheaply?
The best customer is a loyal customer. It is easiest to find a common language with a loyal customer, because the maximum level of trust is established with him. The…

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Ticket to the post-industrial economy

Several types of economies are known, and one of them is post-industrial. The transition to a postindustrial economy is one of our possible prospects if suitable conditions arise for this. They may or may not add up, respectively, the transition may or may not take place. It depends on many factors.

Transition to a post-industrial economy

Each type of economy is based on something. The hunting and gathering economy is built around prey: the search for berries, mushrooms, roots, nuts and other edibles, as well as hunting and fishing. Continue reading

Customer is the basis of business
Keeping customers is profitable. On the one hand, it’s 10 times cheaper than creating new ones, and on the other hand, you can retain a dozen customers for the amount…


A new way of wealth
In fact, this path of wealth is available to everyone who knows about it. For this reason, in order not to create excessive competition, those who know about him, prefer…


Innovation as a profit generator
As analysis of the Apple brand shows, Steve Jobs, who chose innovative business development, knew about this. Advanced businessmen always choose this way. They know that creating and implementing new…
