Ticket to the post-industrial economy
Several types of economies are known, and one of them is post-industrial. The transition to a postindustrial economy is one of our possible prospects if suitable conditions arise for this.…

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New financial system
Experts say that Democrats, who could not advance their candidate for the post of US President, are financiers. That means they lost. Financiers are unlikely to give up, will try…

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New financial system
Experts say that Democrats, who could not advance their candidate for the post of US President, are financiers. That means they lost. Financiers are unlikely to give up, will try…

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ticket to it is the capacity

Ticket to the post-industrial economy

Several types of economies are known, and one of them is post-industrial. The transition to a postindustrial economy is one of our possible prospects if suitable conditions arise for this. They may or may not add up, respectively, the transition may or may not take place. It depends on many factors.

Transition to a post-industrial economy

Each type of economy is based on something. The hunting and gathering economy is built around prey: the search for berries, mushrooms, roots, nuts and other edibles, as well as hunting and fishing. Continue reading

How to increase profits
I am engaged in the creation of sites. It seems that there are clients, but the income is literally a little higher than the costs, so the debts are constantly…


Effective study of competitors
Obviously, information, if timely, always allows you to get rid of various troubles, of course, with the exception of cases when the information that you own is needed by someone…


Inexpensive landing
A high degree of impact on the consumer is possible only if marketing, advertising, branding, PR and sales are simultaneously used. If one of the above is not used, the…
