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Recently, two words have become fashionable and popular among businessmen: to pump and pump. And these are not just words, but business development paths. The words are similar in appearance…

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New financial system
Experts say that Democrats, who could not advance their candidate for the post of US President, are financiers. That means they lost. Financiers are unlikely to give up, will try…

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Effective study of competitors
Obviously, information, if timely, always allows you to get rid of various troubles, of course, with the exception of cases when the information that you own is needed by someone…

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Creative method of generating ideas

Illogy is a very effective method of generating ideas. Efficiency is related to the fact that generation is divided into stages. The first stage is setting goals. This is a very important stage. If carried out correctly, the matter will be half done. At this stage, we need to clearly determine what idea we want to get, why we need it and what result we want to get as a result of its dissemination.

When goals are set, we need to collect as much information as possible about the environment in which the idea is to be disseminated.

It is necessary to specify the target results as accurately as possible. This may be: the number of people involved in the idea, the state in which they will be after being involved in the idea, as well as such marketing goals as sales, income and profits. When the goals are set, we need to collect as much information as possible about the environment in which the idea is to be disseminated.

Gathering information about the environment is a situational analysis. With its help it is necessary to find out how many potential consumers it has, what values ​​they have, and what needs have already been formed. It is also necessary to collect information about the characteristics of potential consumers. This can be data on age, gender, marital status, social status and other useful information.

Ideas compete with each other, so it is important to know which ideas are already launched in the information space into which we will launch our ideas. This will, firstly, avoid duplication of ideas, because it will not bring results, and secondly, it will allow the use of other ideas to promote ours. Using other people’s ideas will allow us to implement our ideas faster and more reliably, as well as save on their implementation.

The most interesting and most exciting stage is the stage of generating ideas. At this stage, you can give free rein to your imagination, generate and write down any ideas that come to our mind. At this stage, you need to generate a sufficient number of ideas, and they can be the most ridiculous. Do not be afraid of the absurdity of ideas, because so many things once seemed unthinkable.

For example, it was once believed that the Earth is flat and rests on turtles, whales and so on, but today we know for sure that it is round. Initially, there was only an assumption, the idea that the Earth was round, but then this assumption received scientific confirmation and became the norm. In the same way, any of your absurd ideas today can become the norm after some time and make you, if not a billionaire, then a millionaire for sure.

The result of the generation of ideas is their list. The list of ideas may be different, it may contain 5 ideas, may contain 10 ideas, and may contain 100 or even 1000 ideas. It all depends on how much strength you have. Anyway, grabbing at the implementation of 100 ideas at once makes no sense, because it is known that when you chase after two hares, you will not catch a single one.

This is worth doing because some ideas are easier to promote, while others are more difficult.

It is necessary to make a clear and informed choice of which idea is best implemented at a given time. This is worth doing because some ideas are easier to promote, while others are more difficult. The information obtained as a result of the first two stages will help us make a choice. After all, it was not in vain that they were carried out, because you were not wasting time on them.

Based on this information, we will be able to choose an idea that meets our goals and interests, and thanks to the information received in the second stage, we will choose the best idea. The choice of the final idea should be approached very carefully and responsibly, because if something doesn’t work out, then the desire to deal with ideas may disappear.

An idea in itself does not have attributes that will allow it to influence a person. For this reason, we need to give the idea a form that a person can perceive. At this stage, we will need information on the characteristics of potential consumers, collected in the second stage. Thanks to this information, we will know which form is best given to the idea.

This method of generating ideas shows high efficiency.

If our potential consumers are accustomed to watching TV, it is best to give the idea a form that can be distributed through television. If they are used to listening to the radio, then it is necessary to create a form that will quickly and efficiently spread through this channel of information transfer. If potential consumers “live” on the Internet, then you need to create a form convenient for distribution on the Internet.

Such, in brief, is the essence of the technology for generating ideas – “LOGY”. This method of generating ideas shows high efficiency. Its application will contribute to the creation of quality ideas. However, creating an idea is half the battle.

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