Urgently need customers?
There are situations when customers are needed quickly, urgently and most importantly – as cheaply as possible, and preferably even free of charge. Such situations at one time or another are faced by 100% of companies. Someone faces when opening a business, someone a year after opening, someone 5 years after opening, and some later. The fact that everyone is familiar with the situation of lack of customers allows us to say that the urgent need for customers is a normal working moment, and not something extraordinary.
The situation is working, but very unpleasant, because with a lack of customers there are many problems, because any business has fixed costs that must be covered so as not to go broke. The main problem with a lack of customers is a lack of money. To solve it, you need to urgently sell a lot of goods or services. Is it possible to get customers quickly, a lot and urgently? You can, if you quickly offer a product or service to a large number of people. Continue reading
Small business optimization. What is its essence?
Small business is opened by 2 categories of people. One of them is people who realized in themselves a large amount of excess energy, but in order to minimize risks or in connection with a small starting capital, they decided to start from small with the prospect of business growth to medium or large. The second category is people who realized that they have a small surplus of energy and that medium or large business they simply cannot pull on the basis of this amount of surplus energy.
In any case, a business, including a small one, is always opened in order to turn the surplus of its personal energy into money, because the business itself is a machine for converting human energy into money. A small business starts, as a rule, spontaneously, because there is not enough knowledge and experience. Spontaneously open business is often not optimal. In this regard, he has to spend a lot of time, money, energy and other resources. Continue reading
World financial system
Money is sorely lacking. And everyone, from the poorest homeless to the very top of the world elite. One is missing a couple of bucks, the other is missing a couple of hundred billion. The situation is very strange, because, as you know, “Gd does not give desire without the possibility of their fulfillment”. The bottom line is that there are many desires, but they are fulfilled poorly.
How did it happen? Why did the matrix crash? Why are there desires, but they are not realized? First of all, because there is not enough motivational energy, the materialization of which is money. The global financial system is working at 500% of its ability to create money, but it is still not enough. There are more and more new methods, but they do not give the proper effect and are not visible to give. Continue reading