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Urgently need customers?

There are situations when customers are needed quickly, urgently and most importantly – as cheaply as possible, and preferably even free of charge. Such situations at one time or another are faced by 100% of companies. Someone faces when opening a business, someone a year after opening, someone 5 years after opening, and some later. The fact that everyone is familiar with the situation of lack of customers allows us to say that the urgent need for customers is a normal working moment, and not something extraordinary.

The situation is working, but very unpleasant, because with a lack of customers there are many problems, because any business has fixed costs that must be covered so as not to go broke. The main problem with a lack of customers is a lack of money. To solve it, you need to urgently sell a lot of goods or services. Is it possible to get customers quickly, a lot and urgently? You can, if you quickly offer a product or service to a large number of people.

What to do if you urgently need clients
If you urgently need a large number of customers, there are several options to get them. Option one is a site with good traffic. One can recognize such a resource, which has at least 10,000 unique visitors per day. If you have such a site, then you can put a “selling banner” on it, which will generate customers. The second option is a large group or a page on social networks, to which many people subscribe.

Using a “selling post” in a group or on a page, you can quickly generate many customers. The options are working, and almost free for you, but they have one significant minus. If the site, page, group is yours, it means that it is very likely that potential buyers already have your product or they have already bought your service. Accordingly, with a high probability, they are unlikely to need another product or another service soon, so they are unlikely to sell anything urgently.

In order for the sale to take place urgently, the customer must be “fresh”, who has not yet bought your product or service. Where to get “fresh customers”? There are actually a lot of options to get “fresh customers”. You can advertise on television, radio, on a billboard, order contextual advertising, and so on. Their coverage is quite large, but they are paid and quite expensive. As a result, you can spend more money than you earn.

Is there an option that allows you to get a lot of customers, almost for free, quickly, from those who have not yet bought? Yes, there is such a way – this is an e-mail newsletter on specially collected databases. It makes little sense to make a newsletter on your own, carefully and for a long time collected base, for the reason that the client will not be very “fresh”, because he most likely has already received an earlier offer and probably even bought something. For the client to be “fresh”, the database should contain addresses to which you have not yet made an offer.

How to get customers
One of the latest real-world examples is presented in the picture below. The average attendance of the resource before the newsletter was about 100 unique visitors per day. In the process of mailing this figure was able to dramatically increase. At peak times, as follows from the data provided by the metric, about 1630 visitors per day visited the site. As a result, 6300 new visitors were received in just 6 days. Moreover, their cost was very low. If they were attracted, for example, using contextual advertising, they would cost 25-30 times more expensive.

Many people think that if customers are urgently needed, then in this case e-mail distribution to other people’s databases is an inefficient way. Opinion has the right to life. Yes, many emails fall into spam, many are immediately deleted and do not even open. However, this method has its advantages. Firstly, it is mass. If you make a mailing to a million addresses, many of the letters will reach the recipient 100%, proceeding at least from the “theory of probability”, despite all the difficulties. The second plus is the ability to get a high degree of targeting.

You can do a newsletter on the basis of a specific country, region, or even a city, or you can go even further and do a newsletter on a database that includes legal entities with a specific type of activity. The third plus is that you don’t need to order expensive videos or audio clips, buildboards, and so on. It is enough to prepare an interesting offer in text and graphic format, which can be done quickly and almost for free.

What is the effectiveness of e-mail newsletters, what can you count on? It all depends on the quality of the offer, as well as on whether the newsletters are used on their own or within the framework of the goods sale system. If the quality is high and there is a sales system, the newsletter will bring new customers who have not previously bought a product or service and therefore they can be called “fresh.” If the offer is one that cannot be refused, then many customers will be received. So if you urgently need customers, you can always get them if you know how to do this.

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