Urgently need customers?
There are situations when customers are needed quickly, urgently and most importantly - as cheaply as possible, and preferably even free of charge. Such situations at one time or another…

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Innovation as a profit generator
As analysis of the Apple brand shows, Steve Jobs, who chose innovative business development, knew about this. Advanced businessmen always choose this way. They know that creating and implementing new…

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Inexpensive landing
A high degree of impact on the consumer is possible only if marketing, advertising, branding, PR and sales are simultaneously used. If one of the above is not used, the…

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not goods

The foundation of any startup is an idea.

The foundation of any startup is an idea. If you already have an idea, then you can start your startup at any time. Perhaps you have already begun it. However, let’s go back a bit, at a time when you had no idea. That was a long time ago? How did you live without her? Can you imagine that the idea that you want to implement would not have occurred to you? Probably in this case your life would be different. But everything went well. The idea settled in you, chose you as a partner for its materialization. Very often a good idea is a matter of chance, so if it so happened that a good idea has visited you, you need to protect it. Since an idea has chosen you, it means that you can realize it better than others. Promotion of a startup is not easy, but very interesting and profitable. One thing is for sure – whether you can promote a startup or not depends on you and on which technologies you choose for this purpose. Continue reading

Creative class as a way to fit into the future

A creative economy is a reality that has already come. Each type of economy requires a base class, elite. Accordingly, if there is a creative economy, then there must be an elite, which is its basis. So far, this elite does not have a common collective name, because it did not feel like a single whole, but over time this elite will necessarily receive a self-name. Processes in this direction are already underway.

One option, as the elite of the creative economy can call itself, is the creative class. This name is not accidental, because it reflects the essence, indicating that people belong to the creators of the creative. Continue reading

World financial system

Money is sorely lacking. And everyone, from the poorest homeless to the very top of the world elite. One is missing a couple of bucks, the other is missing a couple of hundred billion. The situation is very strange, because, as you know, “Gd does not give desire without the possibility of their fulfillment”. The bottom line is that there are many desires, but they are fulfilled poorly.

How did it happen? Why did the matrix crash? Why are there desires, but they are not realized? First of all, because there is not enough motivational energy, the materialization of which is money. The global financial system is working at 500% of its ability to create money, but it is still not enough. There are more and more new methods, but they do not give the proper effect and are not visible to give. Continue reading

Weak core business
Intuitive refinement is fast and most importantly free. Therefore, it is most often used. As a result, there seems to be a scheme, but what the businessman really represents, she…


Marketing as a business philosophy
Marketing as a business philosophy is the norm for a modern businessman. This is due to the fact that getting an effective business is now possible only through marketing. Such…


How to increase profits
I am engaged in the creation of sites. It seems that there are clients, but the income is literally a little higher than the costs, so the debts are constantly…
