A new way of wealth
In fact, this path of wealth is available to everyone who knows about it. For this reason, in order not to create excessive competition, those who know about him, prefer…

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Ways to improve business performance
Working as the most accurate watch and generating money in unlimited quantities, a business is the dream of all businessmen. This dream is realized only among those businessmen who are…

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Innovation as a profit generator
As analysis of the Apple brand shows, Steve Jobs, who chose innovative business development, knew about this. Advanced businessmen always choose this way. They know that creating and implementing new…

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Attack marketing is active marketing

At the same time, the purpose of the attack is to create dynamics for your company, and the dynamics are not simple, but one that creates more favorable conditions for it and provides a larger volume of profits and incomes. If you look around, everything that anyone has ever received is almost always, with the exception of cases of inheritance, resulting from an attack. Only through attack can you get new markets, new consumers, better suppliers. Continue reading

Internal marketing as the basis of business
People are driven by ideas. However, not all ideas, but only those that they consider their own. Accordingly, in order for the employee to be loyal to the company, he…


How to sell a startup
It should be noted that there are two main reasons that prompt to sell the project. One of the reasons is the desire to simply make money quickly by selling…


The oil war as a marketing factor
When Russia wins, it favorably affects its economy, because the money in the form of customs duties on oil goes to the budget. It can be assumed that money will…
