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To start a profitable business in modern conditions, you need to know some important points. The bottom line is that times have changed and now the business does not start…

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Illogy is a very effective method of generating ideas. Efficiency is related to the fact that generation is divided into stages. The first stage is setting goals. This is a…

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Proper business idea generation

In turn, thought is that which is born in the head of a person, the creation of man. A thought is a reflection, a reflection of an idea from a person’s consciousness, but not the idea itself, it is just a person’s opinion of some idea. Thought does not allow you to start, restart or reload a business, create a product, a bestseller, a market or customers. All problems with business, goods, customers, sales are related to the fact that the work is at the level of thoughts, and not at the level of ideas.

You can’t put an empty bag, and the thought is the empty bag. Thoughts are of no interest to anyone, because they are emptiness. Everyone is interested in real ideas, because every idea is a new opportunity. People have many thoughts, they are generated easily and simply in an automatic mode. They saw something or heard, and an idea arose, like a reflection from the consciousness of the idea of ​​what lies at the basis of what they saw and heard.

Therefore, the generation of a business idea is not an ordinary everyday reflection, which results in thoughts, but a technological process.

Thought is only an element of an idea, part of it. To get a real idea, you need to generate and combine hundreds of thoughts. Therefore, the generation of a business idea is not an ordinary everyday reflection, as a result of which thoughts are obtained, but a technological process, as a result of which thoughts turn into an idea. The idea itself is somewhat similar to a grain that sprouts and turns into a plant, which after germination grows and develops.

A thought is incapable of developing; it is static. An attempt to develop a thought always leads to the fact that another thought simply appears, and then the third, fourth, and so on to infinity, and not its new version. This is the main problem of those businesses that work with thoughts, not ideas. Such businesses are not capable of developing, they are static. The idea is dynamic, it is able to develop endlessly, each new version is better than the previous one and is always connected with it and grows from it. This ensures the long-term success of businesses that work with ideas.

Therefore, in order to start generating business ideas, rather than thoughts, first of all, one must learn to distinguish ideas from thoughts. For example, “let’s make a marketing strategy” is a thought, not an idea. An idea is a vision or, in other words, a brief concept of a marketing strategy. A ready-made marketing strategy is an already developed idea, while the implementation of a strategy is a process of materializing an idea.

Generating business ideas, not thoughts, involves the use of appropriate tools. However, there is one big problem, which is that almost all of these tools are difficult to understand and use and only allow you to get an idea. If you have an idea, but you haven’t pumped it, consider that you have no idea, which means that there is nothing to implement and broadcast.

A tool that allows you to highlight an idea and pump it is available in noomarketing and is called – legram. This is a very simple but very effective tool. Using it, using the appropriate version, you can get the idea of ​​a person, business, market, product, startup, and pump it. Moreover, the legram is a dynamic tool, with its help you can periodically pump the new version of the idea and always have the latest, and therefore relevant.

And you should always remember that the idea underlying the personality, business, product, market, startup, is constantly evolving

A business idea, and therefore a new opportunity for making money, can be embodied in a person, business, product, market or startup. Therefore, it is advisable to work in all these areas. Moreover, one must always remember that the idea underlying the individual, business, product, market, startup, is constantly evolving. This happens for the simple reason that it is constantly in contact with other ideas, which forces it to evolve.

This means that it is necessary to single out an idea and pump it not once, but periodically, at least once a year, so as not to lag behind its development. If this is not done, then you are guaranteed to get out of the rut and stop understanding where to move an individual, business, product, market or startup, but you need to move. If the idea does not move, they cease to be interested in it, they forget about it, it loses its audience.

Generating a business idea is a rather time-consuming process, but it’s worth it, because it allows you to get a quality idea. The investment of money and time in the generation of a good idea is always justified, and often thousands of times. Therefore, millions of people around the world are investing tremendously in getting a good idea.

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To start a profitable business in modern conditions, you need to know some important points. The bottom line is that times have changed and now the business does not start…


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