The right start of a business as a guarantee of its success
Among people who have never been involved in business, and even among some businessmen, there is a widespread opinion that it is believed that starting capital is necessary to open…

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Internal marketing as the basis of business
People are driven by ideas. However, not all ideas, but only those that they consider their own. Accordingly, in order for the employee to be loyal to the company, he…

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Employee burnout
Burnout of employees is a natural process that is laid down by nature itself. Sooner or later, any fire, if you do not throw firewood in it, begins to die…

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truth is that Hollywood

In whose hands the world control console

Hollywood is a remote control of the world, not the only, but one of the most important. It is with the help of Hollywood that the main ideas are introduced into people, which then move them. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Jet Li and other actors are the buttons by clicking on which someone controls the world.

Hollywood as a remote control of the world

The secret of Hollywood is that it does not make films, but creates the future, which is then broadcast through films. Hollywood is not a dream factory, but a factory of ideas. Buying tickets for the films that Hollywood created, we actually buy tickets for the future and plunge into it during the session, saturated with broadcast ideas. Continue reading

Creative class as a way to fit into the future
A creative economy is a reality that has already come. Each type of economy requires a base class, elite. Accordingly, if there is a creative economy, then there must be…


Creative method of generating ideas
Illogy is a very effective method of generating ideas. Efficiency is related to the fact that generation is divided into stages. The first stage is setting goals. This is a…


A new way of wealth
In fact, this path of wealth is available to everyone who knows about it. For this reason, in order not to create excessive competition, those who know about him, prefer…
