Marketing is such an interesting thing.
You can take another example: a businessman decides to open a beauty salon. The question of whether or not marketing is needed for a business is hardly initially posed, just…

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How to build an effective business
An effective business is a business in which there is no shortage of consumers. There used to be a shortage of resources, then a shortage of goods, but humanity has…

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The oil war as a marketing factor
When Russia wins, it favorably affects its economy, because the money in the form of customs duties on oil goes to the budget. It can be assumed that money will…

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idea and create his own market

In whose hands the world control console

Hollywood is a remote control of the world, not the only, but one of the most important. It is with the help of Hollywood that the main ideas are introduced into people, which then move them. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Jet Li and other actors are the buttons by clicking on which someone controls the world.

Hollywood as a remote control of the world

The secret of Hollywood is that it does not make films, but creates the future, which is then broadcast through films. Hollywood is not a dream factory, but a factory of ideas. Buying tickets for the films that Hollywood created, we actually buy tickets for the future and plunge into it during the session, saturated with broadcast ideas. Continue reading

Why do I need a business control system
The bottom line is that people begin to play their games in order to realize their ideas at the expense of someone else's business. In short, some use the business…


What is the cause of the global crisis
For some time, marketing has managed its role 100%. He provided such a sales volume of goods and services, under which a sufficient amount of money was issued. Everything worked…


Easy way to make money for everyone
The easiest way to make money quickly and a lot is to give people what they want but cannot buy. Of course, you will have to work hard to determine…
