How to beat competitors guaranteed
Trees try to grow above the rest, because this allows them to get the most out of the sun. Low trees sometimes get nothing at all. If a company wants…

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Creative class as a way to fit into the future
A creative economy is a reality that has already come. Each type of economy requires a base class, elite. Accordingly, if there is a creative economy, then there must be…

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Why are most people poor?
Answers to the question why people are poor, there are as many as poor people. Each beggar finds his own answer for himself, but he must somehow compensate for his…

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which is considered

Effective study of competitors

Obviously, information, if timely, always allows you to get rid of various troubles, of course, with the exception of cases when the information that you own is needed by someone very serious. If you have information at the right time, you can plan your behavior, predict the behavior of your friends, enemies, competitors, in general, all those with whom you have to deal with one or another thing. Continue reading

Weak core business
Intuitive refinement is fast and most importantly free. Therefore, it is most often used. As a result, there seems to be a scheme, but what the businessman really represents, she…


Effective business development paths
Recently, two words have become fashionable and popular among businessmen: to pump and pump. And these are not just words, but business development paths. The words are similar in appearance…


Attack marketing is active marketing
At the same time, the purpose of the attack is to create dynamics for your company, and the dynamics are not simple, but one that creates more favorable conditions for…
