Proper development of the dealer network
It would seem that there is no difference to what type the dealer belongs, if only he would buy as much as possible and as often as possible. However, there…

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Small business optimization. What is its essence?
Small business is opened by 2 categories of people. One of them is people who realized in themselves a large amount of excess energy, but in order to minimize risks…

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Ways to improve business performance
Working as the most accurate watch and generating money in unlimited quantities, a business is the dream of all businessmen. This dream is realized only among those businessmen who are…

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search for the guilty

A way to grow without investment

Are you full of ideas? Want to change the world? Want to bring something from yourself? Want to earn the most money to solve your problems? Their strength and resources for all this is not always enough. One of the best ways to get additional strength and resources is to own a business. Creating a business, you create a “magnet” that attracts the missing forces and resources. These forces and resources then work for you, helping to make the world the way you see it.

The stronger this “magnet”, the more forces you can attract, which means that the more ideas you can realize and more money to earn. How far the business will go, how many ideas will eventually be implemented – it all depends on the strength of the “magnet”. Continue reading

In whose hands the world control console
Hollywood is a remote control of the world, not the only, but one of the most important. It is with the help of Hollywood that the main ideas are introduced…


The right analysis of market opportunities
Market opportunities may vary. Some allow you to earn large profits and profits, others small. Some will allow you to earn income quickly, others slowly. Some market opportunities require large…


How to become a real post-industrial?
Much suggests that the transition to a post-industrial economy has begun. However, not all running processes are successful. Post-industrial transition is no exception. It may or may not take place.…
