How to sell a startup
It should be noted that there are two main reasons that prompt to sell the project. One of the reasons is the desire to simply make money quickly by selling…

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Why do I need a business control system
The bottom line is that people begin to play their games in order to realize their ideas at the expense of someone else's business. In short, some use the business…

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Creative class as a way to fit into the future
A creative economy is a reality that has already come. Each type of economy requires a base class, elite. Accordingly, if there is a creative economy, then there must be…

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Innovation as a profit generator

As analysis of the Apple brand shows, Steve Jobs, who chose innovative business development, knew about this. Advanced businessmen always choose this way. They know that creating and implementing new ideas is beneficial. For this reason, advanced businessmen have invested and will continue to invest in new ideas.

Trillions of US dollars have been earned from these ideas during their existence.

Advanced businessmen know that they can earn only on new ideas. During the existence of mankind, many new ideas have been created. The coolest ideas are all known religions and ideologies: socialism, communism, capitalism, and much more. Trillions of US dollars have been earned from these ideas during their existence. Continue reading

How to beat competitors guaranteed
Trees try to grow above the rest, because this allows them to get the most out of the sun. Low trees sometimes get nothing at all. If a company wants…


How to increase profits
I am engaged in the creation of sites. It seems that there are clients, but the income is literally a little higher than the costs, so the debts are constantly…


What is the cause of the global crisis
For some time, marketing has managed its role 100%. He provided such a sales volume of goods and services, under which a sufficient amount of money was issued. Everything worked…
